This weeks card is "Connection Before Correction". How perfect. I was able to see the effectiveness of this last week as I practiced encouragement.
There is so much research that shows that we cannot influence our children in a positive way unless we have created a connection with them. I know that I have seen this in my life. If I haven't taken the time to really connect with my child (by spending time, really listening, being affectionate, validating feelings and sharing feelings, etc.) then I usually am not in the right state of mind to be able to influence my child in a positive way and my child is not will to be influenced by me.
I've also noticed that if I take the time to connect and heal the relationship before correcting, then I am able to calm myself down if needed. Therefore, I am in a better state of mind and am able to work through a rational solution with my child rather than blurting out some punishment that really doesn't make sense and I immediately regret.
So, this week I am going to focus on connection, not punishment. I'm going to focus on hugs and listening and enjoying time with my children.
I am also going to keep working hard to change my definition of correction. Conventionally, correction often means punishment (punitive time-out, taking away privileges, etc.). I am trying to change my definition of correction to one of positive discipline. Rather than correction meaning me doing something TO my children, I want it to be finding a suitable solution WITH my children.
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